YNHH Pod Med/Surg Residency link
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Externship /Clerkship Program Welcome

Welcome and congratulations on your successful application to the Externship/Clerkship affiliated with the Yale Podiatric Surgery Residency Program.

During the time you spend in our program, you will work closely with residents and staff physicians in a multidisciplinary setting, rotating at Yale-New Haven Hospital 's two main campuses (York Street and St Raphael Campus) and the Veterans Administration Connecticut Healthcare System (VACT). Your experience will provide you with a wide range of practice situations including both clinical and surgical experiences. Regular academic meetings are held, both for your benefit, and the benefit of our residents and staff. We hope that your rotation is a rewarding educational experience with us. As part of the application process, you will be required to complete VA documents nd return via email, before the start of your rotation. You will be contacted by Matt Seto, at the VACT Department of Podiatric Surgery, prior to you month with us. PLEASE complete the forms and return to Matt ASAP.

For further information you may also contact the Residency Program Coordinator & Externship Coordinator :

Brianna Regan
Yale-New Haven Hospital-SRC
Medical Orchard Building
330 Orchard St, Suite 207
New Haven, CT 06511

Ph: (203) 789-3443
Fx: (203) 867-5488
