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Curriculum and composition of training

The curriculum has been developed and evolved over 39 years of podiatric residency training, and is also based on recommendations and requirements of the Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
Major clinical rotatations are based at Yale-New Haven Hospital, VAMC-West Haven and The Hospital of Central Connecticut.   In addition, residents obtain surgical training at   Midstate Medical Center, St Mary's Hospital, Danbury Hospital and multiple surgery centers while on assignment to the core hospitals.
During PGY1 residents obtain an introduction to Podiatric Medicine and Surgery at Yale and VACT, and also complete the majority of ancillary medical and surgical training requirements at Yale, The Hospital of Central CT and VACT.
During PGY2, residents spend 40 weeks at Yale campuses and 10 weeks at VACT. Coverage at the Hospital of Central CT is provided as needed.

During PGY3,  residents spend 30 weeks at Yale campuses and 10 weeks each at The Hospital of Central CT and VACT.


PGY-1 Year
Podiatric Surgery
Podiatric Medicine
Plastic Surgery
Internal Medicine
Infectious Disease
Emergency Medicine
Interventional- Cardiology/Vascular
Wound Care

PGY-2 Year
Podiatric Surgery
Podiatric Medicine
Medical Imaging
Plastic Surgery
Orthopedic Foot and Ankle
Vascular Surgery
Wound Care

PGY-3 Year
Podiatric Surgery
Podiatric Medicine
Orthopedic Foot and Ankle
Wound Care